Thursday, October 14, 2010


This is what i think about my grades. I slipt up a shitload and I need to get my ass back to work and improve my work. My work has been low class and not very good at all. I need to get my act back together and not slip up again I need to finish projects and have it finished. I need to turn my stuff in and finish the project as soon as possilbe. I want to get an A+ on all projects assigned and all assignments assigned. Ill improve my staying after school to finish home work and to not get distracted and stay on track. If i stay on track and keep all of my assignments turned in. This is a embarssment and I need to fix this myself.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Japaneese Pop Stars

This video i just witnessed was disturbing and or F!@#ing awesome! I think i yelled and pooped. This a creative form of art that does not apply to all type of people. This is the type of artwork that scares me sometimes, this is the kind that actually makes me scared from a image.


The Japanese Popstars Feat. Green Velvet - Let Go from David Wilson Creative on Vimeo.